1. Turn Goals Into Positive Affirmations
Don't make your goal "lose weight". Think about it instead as the person you wish to become.
Example: "I am a fit and healthy person."
2. Stay Aware
Before you do something, consider if it's something "the person you wish to become" would do. Example: "What would a healthy person do?"
3. Make Yourself Believe It & Believe In Yourself
Complete small actions each day to prove to yourself you ARE the person you wish to become. Example: "Exercise 10 minutes each day."
4. Stick To Your Action
The key to completing your action is to make it obvious, attractive, easy and satisfying.
Example: Leave your gym clothes by your bed (obvious); think about how you'll feel afterwards (attractive); set your goal for 10 minutes instead of 30 (easy); finish off with a healthy but indulgent-tasting smoothie (satisfying).
What's the first step you'll take towards the person you wish to become?