🕉 OM / AUM 🕉
Which is correct spelling, OM or AUM? 🕉
- A Sanskrit word
- AUM spelling is the correct one
- OM is the short form of AUM
AUM has several meanings 🕉
- The Sound of All Sounds
- The Sound of The Universe
- The Sound of All Creation
- The Beginning of Life
What does AUM mean in Hinduism? 🕉
- AUM is a sacred sound and one of the most important spiritual symbols.
- It refers to Atman (soul, self within) and Brahman (ultimate reality, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge).
WHY repeat (chant) the sound AUM 3 times? 🕉
- The sound AUM has physical and mental effects; it calms the mind and the nervous system.
- Chant AUM 3 times because it symbolizes the three worlds of the Soul: past, present and future.
The 4 elements or separate parts of AUM 🕉
- AH - OH - MMM - Silence
- The first 3 are vocal sounds: A, U, and M
- The 4th sound is unheard or silent; begins and ends the audible sound, the silence which surrounds it.
Benefits of Chanting AUM 🕉
- Releases tension and dispels negative energy
- Promotes a feeling of total peace
- Releases power for spiritual vibration
- Fills the entire self with luminous energy
Chant AUM 3 times to begin and end meditation.
Basic process is as follows:
- Sit comfortably with your spine long
- Bring your hands to a Mudra (hand position)
- Simply inhale and exhale
- Take a deep breath IN
- On your exhale chant AUM (remember the 4 distinct parts) for approximately 10 seconds
- Repeat 2 more times, deep breath in, and exhale AUM
- Pause ... inhale and exhale
- Hands to prayer 🙏 at heart centre (Anjali Mudra)
- Say “Namaste” 🙏 and bow forward
- Pause for 1-2 breaths
- Slowly rise back up to a seat
... next time I’ll talk more about the deeper meaning of the AUM’s 4 parts ...