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Writer's pictureRhoni Straub

Happy New Moon!

November's New Moon arrives on the heels of a massive influx of cosmic consciousness and light.

The time period we've been traveling, between the Autumn Equinox, through the Eclipses, 11/11, and into this very moment has been profoundly transformational on every level.

Waves and waves of cosmic consciousness are converging.

How are you navigating?

For me personally, so much is shifting and transforming.

As outdated programs and pathways come to a close, vibrant new possibilities and expanded states emerge.

With each level of limiting belief and outdated programming that is cleared... More of the soul truth, divine essence, and expanded consciousness is revealed and able to be anchored and embodied.

This revealing is happening on a collective level, and the transformation is unfolding for everyone whether they are aware and allowing or resisting and struggling against the currents of the new consciousness.

Take a moment today to reflect on where you have been in alignment in your life ... and where you've been falling out of step recently.

Today, on this November New Moon, it is a powerful shift point to reset and realign!

What steps are you now being guided to take to live life aligned?

What are your intentions for your life in regards to your awakening path, your soul embodiment, personal growth and self love?

What do you choose for your life?

The New Moon is a time of new doors opening. What are you now consciously choosing to step into?

And remember ... one of the biggest keys to realigning is through love, which is most accessible through your heart center!

Keep leaning into love, and it will serve and empower you on every level.

With love and bright blessings,


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