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Writer's pictureRhoni Straub


HAPPY Almost 2023!!!!

It’s that time of year again... but this time you can look at it differently.


Start the year off with momentum, not resolutions. This time when you start making resolutions about eating better, working out more, quitting an addictive habit, etc. consider starting off with momentum instead.

See below: 👇


Did you know that ...

* The most popular resolutions for 2021 were exercising more and improving fitness (50% of participants), losing weight (48%), saving money (44%), and improving diet (39%)?

* According to a 2016 study, of the 41% of Americans who make New Years resolutions, only 9% reported they were successful?

* A study in 2007 showed that 12% of people who set resolutions are successful even though 52% of the participants were confident of success at the beginning.

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves when the results are so bleak?!

👇Suggestion 👇

Practice something different. Below is a “Mindful Manifesto” that I plan to start using everyday. ❤️

It takes less than 2 minutes to do, and you can meet your intention within 5 minutes.

Start the year off with momentum, not resolutions. I invite you to set an intention or manifesto rather than a resolution for 2023.

The beauty is that you can feel the results of an intention at any time - it’s more about how you feel than what you’ve accomplished. Recite on as many days as you can, making sure to imagine and FEEL the feels of it all.



Starting today,

✅ I take amazing care of myself!

✅ I know I deserve the very best.

✅ I listen to and honor my body’s signals.

✅ I eat mindfully and savor food.

✅ I radiate positivity and confidence.

✅ I fill my soul up with passions, knowledge, friends, family, and lots of interests.

✅ I know what flatters my figure and I flaunt it.

✅ I do the things I would like to do without thinking twice about how I will look or whether I deserve to do them.

✅ I hold my head up high and stride confidently, saying hello to others, making their day, and leaving others better than I found them.

✅ I have many passions and I am learning to make time for them regularly.

✅ I love getting together with friends and loved ones, meeting new people/ dating with a carefree attitude of nonattachment.

✅ If I’m not someone’s cup of tea, I walk right by and say, “See ya!” or “Your loss,” without a second thought.

✅ I am creating the life of my dreams each day.

✅ I am in control of my destiny.

✅ I am learning what I can and cannot control.

✅ I put effort into only that which I can control.

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1 Comment

Joanne Fontaine
Joanne Fontaine
Jan 04, 2023

I love this idea so much! It's perfect! ❤️

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